Summary Analysis
2-1 現住戶數、人口密度及性比例
2-1 Resident Households, Population Density and Sex Ratio
2-2 戶籍動態
2-2 Household Registration Movement
2-3 現住人口之年齡分配
2-3 Resident Population by Age Group
2-4 現住人口之年齡結構
2-4 Resident Population by Age Structure
2-5 十五歲以上現住人口之教育程度─按年齡別分
2-5 Educational Attainments of Resident Population Aged 15 and Over by Age Group
2-6 十五歲以上現住人口之教育程度─按鄉鎮市區別分
2-6 Educational Attainments of Resident Population Aged 15 and Over by Townships, Cities & Districts
2-7 現住人口之婚姻狀況─按年齡別分
2-7 Marital Status of Resident Population by Age Group
2-8 現住人口之婚姻狀況─按鄉鎮市區別分
2-8 Marital Status of Resident Population by Townships, Cities & Districts
2-9 現住原住民戶口數
2-9 Households and Persons of Resident Indigene
2-10 現住原住民年齡分配
2-10 Resident Indigene by Age Group
2-11 十五歲以上現住原住民教育程度
2-11 Educational Attainments of Resident Indigene Aged 15 and Over
2-12 現住原住民婚姻狀況
2-12 Marital Status of Resident Indigene