Summary Analysis
12-1 勞資爭議案件
12-1 Cases of Industrial Disputes
12-2 勞工團體概況
12-2 General Situation of Labor Unions
12-3 事業單位團體協約及勞資會議概況
12-3 Status of Collective Agreement and Labor-management Committees of Enterprises
12-4 勞工服務中心服務概況
12-4 Counseling Service by Worker Consultation Service Centers
12-5 勞工教育及志願服務概況
12-5 Labor Education and Volunteer Services Status
12-6 職工福利概況
12-6 Welfare Units and Beneficiaries of Employee
12-7 勞工保險各類投保單位數及人數
12-7 No. of Insured Units and People under Labor Insurance by Various Insured People
12-8 移工概況
12-8 Foreign Workers Status
12-9 人力資源調查結果重要指標
12-9 Important Indicators Based on Manpower Survey Results
12-10 勞動力之年齡分配
12-10 Labor Force by Age Group
12-11 就業者之行業
12-11 Employed Persons by Sector
12-12 就業者之職業
12-12 Employed Persons by Occupation
12-13 就業者之教育程度
12-13 Employed Persons by Educational Attainment
12-14 就業者之年齡分配
12-14 Employed Persons by Age Group
12-15 失業者之教育程度
12-15 Unemployed Persons by Educational Attainment
12-16 失業者之年齡分配
12-16 Unemployed Persons by Age Group
12-17 經指定填報職業災害統計之事業單位概況
12-17 General Condition of the Designated Industries Compile Reports and Statistics on Occupational Accidents